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Following the release of 'Everything' earlier in the year, Parklands have released latest single 'Cyanide' which feels like a realised continuation of their sonic evolution of the past few years.


The first single off their upcoming EP, 'Cyanide' sees Parklands deal with the idea that the cyclical nature of life is something to be avoided. Tinged with resentment toward small-town traditions and ideals, it is in and of itself a metaphor for the poison of accepting a life that is nothing more than the same 10-square-kilometres you grew up in.

Thomas says,

“It was just one afternoon about a year and a half ago, before both Charles and I had to work. We hung out for about an hour and he showed me this song, and we just played around with it on some guitars at my parent’s place in Wagga. About 6 months passed and we were looking for new songs to put in our set. We remembered this one, and played with the boys at a full band rehearsal, then Charles wrote the riff. Since then it has been an important part of our live show”

Parklands have developed a complex rock and roll soundscape, rich with intoxicating crunchy guitar riffs and lush vocal moments, with a renowned reputation of electric and rumbustious live shows. Once again working with producer and recording engineer Louis Montgomery at Infidel studios, 'Cyanide' was a chance for Parklands to flex their creative capability as a group within the studio.

Bailey says,

“The process of constructing Cyanide was really exciting. The cyclical nature context of the song is very real and important to all of us. We all interpreted that meaning our own way, which is present within the song itself. Coming from a small town, instrumentally the song feels like a celebration of moving forward in life. It is most prominent in the main riff, which provokes jubilant memories of the past, present and future. Lyrically, it keeps the song well balanced, providing insight into the harsh reality of being stuck in one place.”

Parklands are an electric Rock n Roll 4-piece with an undeniable craving for authentic noise. In an era where genre is merely a suggestion, Parklands nods their collective head toward a coalescence of Brit rock, 70s American Psych Rock, combining the sound of Pink Floyd-esque riffs with lush vocals, forging their own intoxicating sound stacked with driven beats, teeming with bass that’s overloaded with textural effects.

'Cyanide' is out now. Listen HERE @whoareparklands


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