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Here at The Lowdown, we love introducing our readers to new, up and coming talent that we highly recommend checking out. In this article, we introduce you to rising artist Jay Scott, who recently unveiled his infectiously catchy single 'CAKE! (A Dancehall Birthday)' and we guarantee that you will be playing this song on repeat! We had the opportunity to speak with him about his debut single, his love for music and much more.

Words & Interview: Rachel Dempster


When asked about what it has been like for him to have his debut single released, which he sums up as being a "fun, flirty and tongue-in-cheek song," he described the release as being "nerve-wracking, but exciting at the same time. I've put songs out in a group before and also put songs out on Soundcloud, but this is my first official release on all streaming services, with a music video. It's definitely been scary, but it's also exciting, because it's the first step to me living my dream."

Accompanying the fantastic single is an equally brilliant music video, which is available on YouTube and available to watch below. "I came up with the whole idea of how I wanted the music video to be. The girl dancing in the music video choreographed it with me and the guy who filmed the music video is someone who I have literally wanted to work with for about five years, so it was a dream come true! It wasn't as stressful as I thought it would be - it was just fun!"

He wrote the single last year when the country was coming out of lockdown, attributing the meaning of the single to "not being able to celebrate my birthday properly because of lockdown, so I wrote this song as an anthem to being out of lockdown and excited to celebrate my birthday!"

Having previously been in a band, gaining full creative control of his music is something fundamental to him. "I have a lot more control, which is amazing, but it's also scary, because I'm used to having a whole team doing everything for me. In terms of doing this on my own, I have full control. It's fun and scary, but I love it!"

He admits that music wasn't a career path that he wanted to take originally. "I've always had music in my family. I grew up in a musical family that went to church. I sang and danced in church, so it's always been something that I've done, but I decided to pursue it when I was eighteen. When the first band I was in didn't work out, I didn't necessarily give up, but I didn't pursue it for a few years. I've now discovered who I am as an artist and what I want to do, so it seems like the right time to take this step."

Through his music, Jay strives to promote his Jamaican culture. "I just want people to dance, have a good time and feel good about themselves. The message is to be happy within what makes you different." With the success of his debut single already achieved, when asked what the rest of 2022 has in store for him, he says that more music is certainly on the way. "I know the next song that I am going to be putting out. The name of the song is related to my favourite drink, so there's a little clue!"

He also took the time to thank all those who support him. "I want to show you guys that if I can do it and become successful, then you can do it!"

'CAKE! (A Dancehall Birthday)' is out now. Listen HERE @jayscottttttt


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