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Get To Know | Tom Skinner

British indie singer / songwriter Tom Skinner has released his new track 'Change' which tells the story of not feeling good enough for the person you love.


Influenced by the likes of Vance Joy, Gabrielle Aplin and Conan Gray, Tom writes catchy, pop-driven music, incorporating themes of love and relationships, intertwined between harmonic lines and catchy melodic phrases.


We recently had a chat with Tom as part of our Get To Know series...

Hey Tom! How are you doing in Lockdown 2.0 so far?

"Hey! I’m finding it okay; I mean it’s much better than the last one at least I’m more

emotionally prepared to stay indoors (plus the weather is awful so kind of glad I don’t feel

bad about staying indoors this month!)"

Tell us a fun fact about you!

"Ooo great question, I mean it’s not a fun fact about me but I do have a cat called kat (short

for Katniss) and I’ve always wondered if she knows that she’s a cat called kat or if she ever

hears people taking about cats and thinks that they are talking about her, but anyway yeah

she’s a super lovely cat."

Where are you from and what’s your favourite thing about that place?

"I’m from Plymouth in the United Kingdom and my favourite thing about it is probably how

close I am to the sea; it’s so refreshing to constantly be a short drive or walk to the beach."

What’s your earliest musical memory?

"I have an awful memory; but I think my first like memory where I was like mind blown by

music was at like a birthday party when I was like 12 and hearing Titanium by Sia for the

first time and I was like what is this absolute banger."

How would you sum up your sound in the form of a hashtag?


Who are your favourite artists and how do they inspire your own music?

"Since this pandemic started, I’ve been obsessed with Dodie, the detail and depth she can

bring through her lyrics is insane! She emotes such feeling without being all belty and intense

and I inspire to one day reach that level of songwriting plus she’s such a lovely person I just

really want to be her friend. Another person is Julia Michaels she’s such an amazing songwriter like I just wish my brain could do what her brain does sometimes, one day I hope x"

Do you have a favourite lyric that you’ve ever written?

"Aha I feel guilty to all my other songs, but I wrote something new recently and the lyrics are

‘help me open up my wounds and stitch them up with thoughts of you’ and I was just really

impressed with my brain for coming up with it."

Tell us a little about your new single ‘Change’!

"So, this song was a long time in the making, I started writing it maybe about a year ago? It

just started off as a little guitar tab that I couldn’t find words to. Then I slowly started picking

pieces together. I’m such a soppy guy when it comes to love and like being a guy in love, I

just started writing about that - Change is basically a ‘I want to be better for you’ song."

What do you hope listeners take away from the track?

"The dream with all of my music is to get the listener to feel something, and I hope change

just makes them feel a little bit sentimental about ‘love’ and like for the listener to

acknowledge that it’s out there and one day you’ll meet someone who wants to change for

you and you’ll find someone you want to change for x"

Now that the new single has been released, what’s coming next for you?

"So, I’m still in the midst of producing my E.P which ‘Change’ is one of the lead singles for-

I’m just finishing up and tidying some of the songs and figuring out which other one is being

chosen as a single! So yeah, the Tom Skinner E.P is on its way with a due date still to be

announced, which is incredibly exciting!"

'Change' is out now.


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