BLÜ EYES has released her brand new single 'Blame'.

The track was written about looking at your own break-up from the other person's perspective.
"I was recently in a situation where I realized I had to step away from someone I loved for my own good, and they didn't take it well. As much as I was desperate for them not to hate me, I realised how my actions could have been perceived as betrayal, abandonment, insensitivity, etc. from their side. And while I hope I can someday reconcile with this person again, writing this song helped me realize that I can't control the way they experienced my leaving. At the end of the day, if hating me is part of their grieving process which eventually helps them move forward, then I don't mind."
We spoke to BLÜ EYES on the release and more...
Hey! How are you doing!
"I am doing fantastic! Releasing new music is definitely a mood-booster :)" Introduce yourself and tell us a fun fact about you!
"Hey! I’m BLÜ EYES, I write and produce soft pop music, and can also solve a Rubik’s cube." Where are you from? "Southern California! Fullerton, to be specific."
How long have you been making music / When did you realise you wanted this to be your career?
"I have literally always been entranced by music, pretty much since I could process sound. I was always making up my own songs, no matter how little sense they made, and singing them for my family. I never really thought of the possibility of it being a career until I went to college and really started contemplating what I wanted to do with my life. I saw other kids pursuing a music career and thought - I can do that!" How would you sum up your sound in 5 words?
"Ethereal, emotive, cinematic, chill, conversational."
Have you had a stand out moment in your career so far?
"Honestly, putting out new music this year has been such a highlight. It is SO rewarding to work super hard on a song, get every last detail of the mix exactly the way you want it, and then put it out and have people truly resonate with it and connect with it in their own way. That’s all you can ever ask for as a songwriter, and it’s been so incredible seeing it happen with these new songs." What would be your dream venue to play?
"Hollywood Bowl :)" You’ve just released your new track ‘Blame’. Tell us a little about it!
"So I wrote and produced Blame with a really good friend of mine from college, James Prinzi. We came up with the vibe for the song one day when we got together to write, but when it came time to write lyrics, I found myself a bit stuck. I was going through so much at the time, and I think I was still trying to process what I wanted to express within the musical world we had created in our beat. After that initial session, I wound up going back and changing the key and the tempo 3 different times (and writing three different sets of melodies and lyrics) before I finally landed in a space that unlocked my creativity and just felt good to me naturally. I bounced back and forth with James via text to iron out the final details, and landed on something that felt great to both of us. That’s what you hear on the final track, and I couldn’t be more proud of it :) Also, it was SO fun working with Keith Armstrong on the mix for this song - he took James’ and my production and just elevated it 10x over. And of course Justin Shturtz brought out the final details perfectly in mastering." You have a really unique vocal and the track is really fresh, is there anything or anyone that inspires your sound?
"Thank you so much! In the last year, I’ve been fully OBSESSED with Sasha Sloan, Maggie Rogers, the 1975, MUNA, and Lennon Stella. I am also currently obsessed with the new Gracie Abrams record. So good." What can we expect coming from you next?
"I am working on an album right now! Still not quite done with producing all the songs yet, so I am not entirely sure what the release date will be, but I can tell you I am VERY excited to share it :)"
Listen to 'Blame' HERE Instagram: @blueyesmusic