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Feature | George Cosby

A romantic and cinematic grandeur perfectly sums up George Cosby's unique sound, with an eighties pop sound in a context that fits in naturally with his singing and song-writing talents. His new single, titled 'She Got It Bad,' captures a wealth of pure and open-hearted emotions, bordering idealism and melancholy, with the exceptionally talented musician yearning for a love interest who remains just out of reach.


George Cosby's passion for creating music also reflects his love of film, with both forms of art taking us to big revelations in life: romantic gestures, life-affirming new adventures and the endless potential of dreaming big.

"I wrote 'She Got It Bad' as almost a religious experience. This perfect personal calls to you, embodying everything you think you want. You find them soaked in sunshine amongst architecture or down by glistening pools of water. Can something so perfect be more than just a dream?"


The Lowdown recently had the opportunity to speak with George Cosby about his new single and what the new track represents to him, his ambitions, his plans for the rest of the year and more. Keep reading to check out what he had to say!

You have recently released your new single, 'She Got It Bad.' What is it like for you to have new music released?

"Truly wonderful, yet also quite strange. I've been collecting songs for a number of years, building to the moment I could get them into the world, so to have some out now is an incredible release. To hear how people connect to these little ideas running round my head is special. Yet, with the goings on of the last year or so, it is also tinged with sadness. I've been dying to get out and play them live, which is a huge part of why I love music. There's a sense so far on releases of feeling a little: 'What now?' I'd love to be there in person with fans."

What does 'She Got It Bad' represent to you?

"To me, it represents musings on perfection. In the fashion of a surreal experience, this person calls to you, embodying everything you think you want. However, there's the question of reality hanging over it all - is it only a dream? I think this song came from a place where, as I was growing up, I started asking whether the joy and beauty in our lives is in the imperfection rather than what we learn from culture to crave."

Did the single take a long time to come together?

"Yes and no actually! I wrote this song while in California way back. It somewhat slipped my mind for a long while, presumably I wasn't sure how much I thought of it at the time. My team at Columbia found it. To this day, I'm still not sure how, and thought it had great potential. They asked if I would work it up into a more finalised form. From that point, it was a very quick process. Andrew Wells and I built the production over a short time and it was ready to go!"

How would you sum up your sound in a couple of words?

"Widescreen crooner escapism."

Your passion for creating music also correlated with your love of film. Do you feel that it is important for the two to somewhat mirror each other?

"Definitely! There is such a powerful connection between the two. I think that together, their impact increases. The story and emotion is told at an even deeper level. The collaboration between arts is such a wonderful thing."

Who would you say are your musical influences? Do you feel that they have a significant bearing on the music that you release?

"I recognise similar characteristics in artists like Bryan Ferry and Scott Walker with their use of melody and arrangement. For sure, I think I've taken some of those principles into my own music. They both had a sense of self and voice that I felt such a relation to."

Is there anything in particular that you would like to achieve throughout your music career?

"I had four main goals when I started imagining this. I want to play The Royal Albert Hall, to tour Japan, to have my music featured in a rom-com and a music video by one of my favourite Italian directors. It's ambitious, but you have to aim high."

Has music always been something that you have wanted to be involved in?

"As a kid, it was a pipe dream honestly. The idea of singing on a stage was something I'd picture while spacing out in a history lesson. I felt in my heart I would end up on a more visual side of the arts, but almost by accident, I stumbled into music, and so far, fortunately, it has been a fun and rewarding ride."

Music-wise, what are your plans for the remainder of the year?

"I have a little collection of songs to be released in mid-October, which I am thrilled about. I hope with those tracks together you really get a sense of who I am. I've always been a fan of collections of songs, the light and side and up and down nature of what you can achieve. I really hope to dip my toe back into the live experience. I will be playing a few small shows in the UK, which I'm sure will be wonderful experiences."

Finally, do you have a message for your supporters?

"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support so far. It's been truly amazing to hear from you on socials. There is so much more to come that I am itching to share. When live shows come back around, I look forward to thanking you all in person."

George Cosby's new single 'She Got It Bad' is out now and is available to purchase and stream through all major responsible music purchasing and streaming outlets.

By Rachel Dempster


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